International Day of Peace 2021

International Day of Peace

The UN established the International Day of Peace in 1981 as a day devoted to the ideals of peace by observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire and since then it has had a rich and storied history. This year as the entire globe strives to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic there is a call to think together creatively to create a more equal, just, equitable, inclusive, sustainable and healthier world. Peacedoodle wants to help.

There are so many ways to make a difference.

☮️ Sketchnoters are encouraged to sketch their solutions or an action step that can be taken immediately to make a difference. The art will spread peace and your ideas will ripple out far and wide.

☮️ Adults and students can take photos of acts of kindness witnessed around them.

☮️ We can all make peace with someone.

☮️ We can stand up against acts of hate both online and in our regular lives.

☮️ We can spread compassion.

Please join us and share your actions, images, and ideas – big or small. We will collect them here but you can share on Twitter, LinkedIn or Instagram with the hashtags #peacedoodleSept21 and #peaceday There is also a Padlet set up where you can upload your creations, write about your actions, record a video and more.

You can read more here about the initiative and access many resources to share the information with others who want to take action for peace. Let’s make peace with one another. Let’s make peace with nature.

Let’s help the world recover from the devastating divide that has widened between people, especially the marginalized and underprivileged, due to the effects of the pandemic.

Let’s keep it going today and every day.

Peace one doodle at a time.

A Jar of ….?

A Jar of...

What is your remedy for what the world needs now?

We have all had a moment when we have thought; “If only this world had more ….” Well I am asking you to name those essentials so that we can fill our pantries with positives. Get ready to sketch, doodle, and draw. This is another idea for spreading peace one doodle at a time. Sketch a jar and decide what you think is most needed to heal the world (earth, society, education, teachers, family, politics…) today. Share the image with me either on the Padlet, in the Google folder, on Instagram or Twitter and I will compile the images to create a gif for all of us to share. Keep your drawing nearby to give you what you need on the daily. Heck, give it away often, and share the essentials with your community. Tag @lorrainekasyan or @peacedoodle and use the hashtag #remedyjars2020. Let’s inspire one another through surprise and intention.

Join me. During this uncertain moment share your own creative idea for what the world (or ‘fill in the blank’) needs now more than ever. Label the jar with the word or fill the jar with icons representing the thought. I will build us a movie and share it far and wide so that everyone, in every nation, can fill their pantries with virtual essentials that will surely heal our world.

I have drawn and shared a template here – and I shared this image of a jar of thimbles during “Inktober 2016.” It was my hope for a writing idea at the time – a jar of inspiration!
Copy away from the template (make a copy of this file) and share back to the world. Goodness knows we need it.

An authentic jar of inspriation and its doodled rendition 2016.

Thanks for joining me always.


International Day of Peace – 2020

International Day of Peace

International Day of Peace
Steps you can take to get involved in the International Day of Peace
Link to this poster for clickable access.

September 21st the International Day of Peace was Established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution 36/37. The theme for the International Day of Peace in 2020 is “Shaping Peace Together”

The theme celebrates the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

This year “Covid-19 is a stark reminder of the need for cooperation across borders, sectors and generations. Our response will determine how fast the world recovers, whether we achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, and how well we handle pressing challenges: from the climate crisis to pandemics, inequalities, new forms of violence, and rapid changes in technology and in our population.

But just when we need collective action more than ever, support for global cooperation has been flagging. In many countries, public trust in traditional institutions is in decline and relations between countries have been under strain. Will this pandemic bring the world closer together? Or will it lead to greater mistrust? Global dialogue – and action – is now more urgent than ever.” (from

Here at Peacedoodle we believe that creativity spreads joy. Art in all its forms will unleash a world of good for our planet. Join us here to share your thoughts and your creations. What do you see when you envision a peaceful world? Stay tuned to view the images from our international community and from schools all over the world. Peace, one doodle, painting, drawing, icon, poem or essay at a time.

Fill out our form to share your thoughts and your image.

Grab a slide and add your image here as well. Let’s connect the globe with images of peace and heal the world for generations to come.

Get Your Sketchnote On – 3 hour workshop for Media Specialists

Collaborating with Media Specialists is one of the perks of my job. I support teachers and learners K-12 and working with folks who love books and advocate for reading is pure pleasure. Being asked to present a 3-hour pre-conference workshop on Sketchnoting for the North Carolina School School Library Media Association’s (NCSLMA) annual conference last week was an honor. Preparing for this group held a few atypical challenges as I would have to wait to find out if their interest in sketchnoting was from an individual or professional perspective. Basically, did they want to learn for personal enjoyment and their professional knowlege OR were they planning to share the skill with their students in a specific content area? It was going to be fun.

The typical agenda involves discussing the what and why’s of Sketchnoting, then practicing, building skills, and exploring the different opportunities to try on Sketchnoting. We opened up with a sketchnote selfie, or trading card. This is my way of starting slow and warming everyone up. The objective is to create your image then visualize 3 items that bring you joy or that could represent you, and draw those too. My group set to work, and before long they were all smiling at their introductions. In different settings I then use these cards to organize groups, pick participants, or personalize instruction. Today, we would use them as visual prompts to introduce ourselves. On the back, they were to think of that person or thing that could perch on their shoulders and cheer them on when life got tough. Mascot, cheerleader, talisman, buddy or champion which is the noun the group chose for this selection. This too, was a task that was undertaken with gusto. The sensitive nature of each person’s sharing brought a reverance to the room.

Selfie-Trading Cards and Personal Champions

My favorite part of our time was introducing the book “We Don’t Eat Our Classmates” by Ryan T. Higgins. Perusing the attendee list prior to the event I noticed that most attendees served elementary schools, I wanted to personalize the activities to showcase the reading standards that would be apporpriate learning outcomes for K-2, I settled on first grade standards and shared those outcomes with the group. They could choose from identifying the beginning, middle and end of the story. The main problem and solution. The character and emotions from the events in the story, or any of the other apropriate reading standards for younger grades. I showed the cover and we listened to the book being read. The smiles and chuckles from the group were worth the prep, travel, and delivery time. This book is a gem. We discussed creating a dinosaur using only the basic shapes and I shared my own rough sketch of Penelope in rectangle, triangles, and circles. I had also prepared a template of sorts by drawing the main character, Penelope Rex on my iPad Pro and printing those sheets.

Penelope Rex
Penelope Rex helping adults draw their understanding of story details.

I distributed Penelope Rex, but also gave out plenty of blank paper for personal exploration. The quiet was palpable as attendees smiled and thought, remembered and then asked clarifying questions. I had a printed copy of the standards and a hard copy of the book for back up, but for the most part the adult learners in the room took off running.
Story Board

Marci used two pages and numbered events to showcase her learning.

Jerry and Jennifer chose my template and redrew Penelope. Jerry focusing on events and emotions by using arrows to show the stages (connectors in sketchnoting). Jennifer nailed the emotions and Penelope’s reactions in her pages.
Penelope Rex
Jerry’s Product – arrows lend direction and order.
Penelope Rex
Jennifer focused on emotions.

Marina opted for a different set-up and a fabulous emotion meter to assist. This activity was not open-ended and once time was up, we shared out. Marina said she wanted to give the emotion meter to each of the stages, but ran out of time.

Vertical Approach
Marina used a vertical approach to retell the story.

Here is my final product.

Penelope Rex
My final result – Beginning, Middle, and End with emotions. Problem/Solution
We discussed each submission with awe and upon seeing my outcome, Marci commented on my use of object (symbol) to designate event. She reflected that focusing on redrawing Penelope in action was a challenge and that this choice of object (icon/symbol) was something she would remember and use again with her students. This activity was inspiring and fun. It has educational support in a standards focus, and is easily adopted in the younger grades. The challenge is to work the same magic with literature on a higher level that might require a deeper understanding of symbol, and other text features. I envision more words in those sketchnotes, but an equal amount of joy.

Get your Sketchnote On, indeed. It was such a pleasure exploring together.
Do you have books or poetry that you like to explore with visuals? We would love to hear from you and see your examples as well.

International Sketchnote Camp 2019FR

Sketchnoters on the steps.

It has only been a week since I returned from camp. The event did not disappoint and leaves memories and inspirations in its absence. Do you see these folks assembled? All are generous and creative and ready to usher in a kinder, more sustainable world. No matter where you live, won’t you join us?

What does the right to Peace look like?

International Day of Peace

Gearing up for the International Day of Peace on the 21st of September, as Tropical Storm Florence continues to wage war by dropping unprecedented amounts of rain on a swath of states. My town is in the direct path of the storm, likely arriving within the day. We have prepped in the usual manner, stocking up on water, batteries, and ice. How lucky are we who have the means and availability of this type of certainty and comfort during a dangerous time? Earthquakes, hurricanes, fires, tsunamis, drought, and monsoon season challenge other parts of the world on a regular basis. Humanity cannot control natural disasters; the same cannot be said for conflict and war. The International Day of Peace came about through one man’s efforts to promote Peace Day. Through Jeremy Gilley’s efforts the United Nations adopted the idea and established the International Day of Peace in 1981. A day that allows humanitarian workers to bring needed supplies into war-torn areas while cease-fires are observed.

Just for One Day. Imagine P E A C E. All day-long. The power of us all uniting, imagining Peace on the same day, together!

All of us who have food and water in abundance.

All of us who have electricity.

All of us who have shelter and warmth and no conflict.

And all of us who don’t.

Imagine all of us coming together on September 21st.

We get to think about how we can impact PEACE in our homes, communities, and yes, PEACE in the world. For one day, we get to acknowledge the multitude of gifts that our lives afford us and maybe think about ways to give back. We do this together. is starting with doodles but we won’t stop there.

Spreading awareness by collecting images showing the diversity of responses to “What does the right to Peace look like to you?” The images will take many shapes and sizes. A high school dance class has brainstormed around the United Nations’ statement in order to understand the complexity and depth of human rights and how they manifest in everyday life.

Simple statements like, “Be nice to each other.” “Don’t judge and be friendly.” And, “Helping each other creates Peace,” emerged from the discussion. Groups of 2 or 3 are choreographing dances to commemorate the day. Their performances will be recorded and shared here.

Elementary art students will create silhouettes and mixed media collages to show their understanding of the right to Peace. High school art students will study propaganda posters throughout history that promote war and the military. They will contrast these with the notion of propaganda posters for Peace and the impact that could have. These students study the concept that art changes opinions and can influence society. How powerful to show that art’s influence could be used to foster peace? Imagine the beauty of this.

Stay tuned while the responses are collected and shared here.

To participate follow us on Instagram @peace_doodle and Twitter

@peacedoodle. Tag us in your photos and use the hashtag #peacedoodle21Sept. You can also upload your images here on Google. I will be collecting them to share here in the gallery.

Participate whenever you are able and take pictures of your students, or groups drawing and upload those as well. Together we can spread Peace, One doodle at a time.